Month: December 2015

And the Bloggie Award goes to….

ME! (Cue award ceremony music.) I’d like to thank all the little people…and big people….actually, all sized people, really, for their support in my journey to receiving this award. But more importantly, I’d like to give a special (and REAL) thank you to OneDizzyBee for the nomination. The blogging world has been an awesome community to become a part of and I’m so thankful to know that someone other than my mom thinks I’m a little funny and likes my little blog. So this post is a little different than my normal ranting but you might find out a thing or two (actually 10) about me that you didn’t know. The Rules •Thank the blogger who gave you the award and link back to their blog •Answer the 10 questions given to you •Nominate 10 bloggers for the award •Write 10 questions for your nominees to answer •Display the award on your blog or post Questions from OneDizzyBee: 1.    Why did you start blogging? I started blogging because I was entirely too emotionally dependent on Netflix. That, …

Yoga-ta be Stretchy… I mean I gotta be Stretchy

I’m one of the least flexible ladies  you will ever meet. In elementary school, the v-sit and reach was bane of my existence that lead to me failing the “Presidential Physical Fitness Test” year after year. Now, I’m finding that not only did my un-flexibleness destroy my childhood, but it’s also hindering my runs. I’ve done yoga in the past, (but never consistently) and have always felt amazing after. So, I recently started doing some at home yoga and it has already made a world of difference both mentally and physically. My studio is my dining room and my instructor is whoever I find on YouTube. I just go on the tube and search for the type of yoga I’m in the mood for and something always comes up (the magic of YouTube!)  For example, a month or two I started with this: Then I started looking into some quick morning yoga… Then I started doing cool down yoga after my runs…this is when I snapped this weird picture of me and Drake tree posing it. You get the idea. So …

Inside My Brain during an Outside Run

For the past two and a half months, I have been training for my half marathon, covering just under 100 miles, enduring a few pesky injuries and some crazy warm weather. Since we’ve gotten pretty close over the past few months, I’ve decided to give you some real details. Here are my running thoughts. 5:05 PM: Here I am about to start my run. For all of you reading this, you might think this is the “start” but a lot has happened to get up to this point. I woke up in the morning, had to put on pants (this is probably the most trying part of the day), commute to work, work, commute home, take off pants that took so much effort to put on in the morning only to put on a different kind of functioning “pants” and then snap this photo. 5:07 PM: Now, I am sitting on the couch contemplating whether it is too dark to run. I might get hit by a car. I might get kidnapped. I might get hit by a deer. …

A Guide to Resolution Solutions

I can’t believe it either– it is nearing the end of 2015! I had two resolutions for 2015: to learn how to tap dance and to complete a triathlon. I’m happy to report I’ve done both. Knowing how to tap dance has always been a dream of mine. I love the rhythmic sounds and how indisputably cool everyone looks when they dance. I talked about it so long, in fact, that my two roommates at the time, bought me tap shoes for my birthday.*   *After getting a “surprise” wisdom teeth extraction without being put to sleep, my roommates felt extremely sympathetic for my bloody mouth and painful teeth holes…so they gave me my birthday present early. I opened the box to find a a shiny pair of Capezio Mary Jane style tap shoes. I immediately felt better, put them on and started clanking around our kitchen, a poor idea considering an increased heart rate boosted the amount of blood coming out of my teeth holes. I smiled at them and watched blood splash onto the floor …

I’m Hooked On-The-Line

One of the reasons I started this blog was to give myself a new and productive hobby. This year, I found myself watching a lot of T.V after work and just wanted to do something….You know what I do now? I’m on-the-line a lot. This blog has got me all sorts of internet addicted. What kinds of things do I look at, you ask? Well, I look up a lot of DIY projects (especially since it is the holiday time), A LOT of recipes, I read fitness and lifestyle blogs and I watch youtube vlogs, many of which do not pertain to me at all, I just like how well done they are (like did I really need to watch an 11 minute video on how to dye my hair pink?) Do you know how much stuff is out there in internet-land?? Ya, me either! Its HUGE. But just like anything else, I do have my go-to spots for all of my life needs, so check out my favorite internet spaces. For Recipes: This is a big one I get asked about …

10 Ways to Stay Fit this Winter

Before I get into the list…. Happy 10th-post blogaversary! A 10th-post blogaversary is like a good slice of pizza: it makes you happy, it can be sweet, it awakens your senses, it can be a little bit cheesy, doughy, bold, saucy…wait, now I’m just talking about pizza… It is a very significant thing in my eyes (or mouth if we are still talking about pizza.) And so in honor or my 10th-post blogaversary, I will share with you my favorite top 10 ways to stay fit during the winter…and disclaimer, they are my favorite because I wrote them. Top 10 Ways to Stay Fit During the Winter   Workout in the Morning If you haven’t noticed, the sun is setting at like 2:00 PM which means you’ll feel like going to bed shortly after your lunch break. Wake up a little earlier and get your workout done in the morning: you’ll most likely see it getting lighter outside as you go, instead of feeling like you are working out at 11 PM. This also leaves you room to …