Month: December 2017

10 Things Noodle Does That We Should Do Too.

  Run as fast as you can, even if you look crazy Because it gets your energy out and maybe will encourage your friends to chase you and run too. Be super excited about nothing A loved one comes home? Smile! Jump up and down! Spin around in circles! Maybe pee a little! (and hope that your loved one loves you enough to clean up after you). If you make a mistake, put pride aside and ask for forgiveness If we bark or snarl at our friends, we shouldn’t be afraid to approach said friends at a different time and give them lots of sloppy kisses (or for humans, a sincere apology…or sloppy kisses I guess). Be weird It makes you unique, it makes people laugh and makes for great photos. Work hard, everyday, for change I know that neighbor in your building can drive you crazy. The mere smell of this person can send your hackles up and have you pacing around and huffing like crazy. But everyday, work a little to be able …

CSA Today!

Season’s greetings! It is finally that time of the year. The time where it is getting cold enough to make any normal task seem horribly inconvenient and daunting. Like having to pee in the morning but knowing that beyond your warm, cuddly duvet is an ice cold floor and blizzard-like-ceiling-fan winds that will cut through your pants-less legs like glass. This time of year also makes me mildly dramatic. Luckily for us, one thing that has helped us limit one of these trips outside into the cold has been our CSA farm share with the Lancaster Farm Fresh Co-op (LFFC). If you aren’t familiar with CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) they work like this. Members of the CSA (like me) commit to helping local farmers sustain their farms by paying for their share of a season’s harvest completely up front. This gives farmers the ability to purchase what they need to be one season ahead of the game and results in a more sustainable farming endeavor. The members, in turn, get lots of organic goodies that …