All posts filed under: Food

Whole30 Week 2

Yellow! Week 2 is over which means we are more than halfway done with our 2nd Whole30 Challenge, AND we have officially beaten our previous, sad, old record of 14 days. I’m also happy to announce there has been no plate sniffing or crumb inspecting (although there has been copious amounts of talk about what our first meal back is going to be. I say hamburger, Steven says Pizza). Overall, things are going well. My clothes are starting to not feel like they are suffocating my entire body which is a real plus. I’m also still feeling up for cooking which is shocking considering it has been SIXTEEN DAYS of consecutive cooking which I think is a world record in this house. AND sixteen days of no alcohol which is a even more shocking. Something that has been really helping us be successful this time around has been Instagram. I follow a few accounts pretty religiously and they all have amazing recipes that have really inspired our meals. A few of my favorites: No Crumbs …

Whole30 Week 1

Bonjour! Today, I thought I’d bring to you a recap of our second, first week of Whole30! (You can read about our original Whole14 here). I’d like to think I’m doing this post because I think you might be interested in reading about it but mostly, I’m avoiding having to write a nicely detailed post at the end. Sorry, not sorry. Current Status: Sassy Actually, all is going pretty well! I did stay home from work on Thursday because I actually thought I was dying but besides that, all good. I read on the Whole30 blog that it is important not to credit everything good happening to Whole30 (“WOO, THERE WILL BE A SEASON 3 OF STRANGER THINGS, THANKS WHOLE30!”) and in the same breath, you can’t blame everything negative on Whole30 (“I FEEL LIKE I’M DYING, TO HELL WITH YOU WHOLE30!) That was day 4 for me and I was feeling terrible. My whole body was aching, I was nauseous, my head hurt and my legs…oh my gosh my legs. You know the feeling …

CSA Today!

Season’s greetings! It is finally that time of the year. The time where it is getting cold enough to make any normal task seem horribly inconvenient and daunting. Like having to pee in the morning but knowing that beyond your warm, cuddly duvet is an ice cold floor and blizzard-like-ceiling-fan winds that will cut through your pants-less legs like glass. This time of year also makes me mildly dramatic. Luckily for us, one thing that has helped us limit one of these trips outside into the cold has been our CSA farm share with the Lancaster Farm Fresh Co-op (LFFC). If you aren’t familiar with CSAs (Community Supported Agriculture) they work like this. Members of the CSA (like me) commit to helping local farmers sustain their farms by paying for their share of a season’s harvest completely up front. This gives farmers the ability to purchase what they need to be one season ahead of the game and results in a more sustainable farming endeavor. The members, in turn, get lots of organic goodies that …

Crockpot Talk: Chicken Edition

Since we got Noodle a little over a month ago a lot has changed. We now spend everyday trying to keep a puppy alive We go up and down the elevator about 16 times in a 24 hour period The conversation in our apartment is mostly about the consistency of Noodle’s most recent poop, if we think she is happy and how long it’ll be until she doesn’t have to go potty 16 times a day We have made dinner at home almost every single night I’ll chronicle Noodle’s arrival and give you all an update on her in a later post. To accurately describe our first experience with our puppy love needs some real dedication. And, honestly, Noodle is about all I think about so this is a nice break! Ok, ok. 1 pic. Ok 3 pics. The point of today’s post is to show you how a 6 hour crock pot chicken can feed you dinner for almost an entire week. Disclaimer: I accidentally stumbled upon these tips in my attempt to never leave Noodle’s side…a very healthy mentality, I know. Has …

4 Ways to Get Motivated to Move (and none have to do with Pokemon…OK 1 might)

Happy Friday! Or as I’ve come to call it, another day to play pokemon go. Summer has turned into stressful (and productive!) work weeks followed by weekend upon weekend of activity with friends and family. This lifestyle has left my heart so full but my body and mind exhausted. I’ve been running on pizza and burgers which is so tasty but makes me feel really sluggish and, in turn, have severely reduced my workouts. Not to panic though; I’m a veteran at falling off the health wagon and am an expert and climbing back on. I looked at a calendar and am about 2 months out from my next race: The Nation’s Triathlon*. I’m starting getting back into eating/training right this week and thought I’d share a few of my tricks for how I get motivated to get moving again. *Update: I have an earlier race! I’m heading out west to visit my sister AND we are BOTH going to be competing in the Lake Tahoe Triathlon. Yay for swimming in water that isn’t potentially toxic! Sunnie’s Tips to …

Busy? Here’s what’s for Dinner.

Wow! A record three weeks since I last wrote. Today’s post is some insight on what to eat when you are too busy to shop for groceries…which has been me the last three weeks. But before we get into that, here’s what’s been keeping me from blogging! Dickinson 5 year Reunion I cannot believe it has been 5 years since I was worrying about whether or not I could crank out a 20 page paper in 1 night (for the record, I could…and did…on numerous occasions). I loved my time in college; I built some amazing friendships (cheesy), I learned some hard life lessons (cheesier) and ate some of the best mac and cheese bites in all the land (literally, the cheesiest). I also spent a lot of time “studying” (aka…boozing.) Dickinson invites its alumni back after the kids head home for summer for a weekend of fun. We stayed in our old dorms, caught up with friends, made new friends (shout out to Dickinson class of ’80), ate late night food, and “studied” (and yes I still mean drinking.) …

Wholly 30

We survived Whole 30…for 2 weeks. Yup, we completed the Whole14. It really kills me to tell you that we didn’t complete all 30 days and that we tapped out early..but I will say we definitely followed the plan for those 14 days to the T (I know I know…if you’re not first you’re last). There were a lot of aspect I really did enjoy from the plan but also a lot of things one should know before trying! So now that I’ve destroyed all the credibility I had, I’m going to go ahead and give some advice I think you should know if you are thinking of Whole30ing. Because this is my blog. And I can. So here we go. Why I chose to deprived myself (and Steven) of Cheese (and other things we love) You may or may not know that I really began to change the way I was eating/living around last September. I weighed the heaviest I had ever weighed and it was all due to my lack of activity and …

A WeCap: Whole 30, Yoga and Blossoms

I’ve decided Sundays are going to be my week’s recap…now known as a WeCap. Enjoy! Normally I try to keep some type of theme in these posts…but so much has happened over the past week that I can’t even imagine thinking of weaving all of these things in smoothly. Soooo, I’m not going to try because I… …don’t give a ship. OK. So first thing on the docket: today marks the end of week 1 in our attempt at Whole 30… and WHOLLY hell (definitely using that has the headline in the future), it is not for the faint of heart. It isn’t even the fact that I can’t eat bread. It isn’t the fact that I can’t eat cheese. What makes Whole 30 so difficult is the fact that I have to cook each meal to stay on plan. On Whole 30, you have to avoid certain foods, one of them being sugar (besides sugar in fruits/veggies)….and I don’t know if you know…but sugar is in EVERYTHING. On a usual week, I am able to go …

I love lamp (and yoga, and caramallows)

Happy almost Valentines Day! Yes I know. It’s not a real  holiday but I’ve always been OK with February 14th; there is always an excess of chocolate floating around, people just seem to be very giddy (or very cynical), flowers are abundant (even though it is 20 degree outside) and it is nice to see an outpour of love (if even in the form of a cheap stuffed animal). I actually really enjoy seeing people loving so much! That said, I’m not especially into celebrating it. In fact, a few years ago I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth taken out (unplanned) on Valentines Day, leaving poor Steven to eat Chick-Fil-A by himself in a mall food court. Then last year,  we went to Chick-Fil-A (voluntarily) with friends to celebrate. It was super fun! (seriously, no sarcasm here…I’m serious!) This year, we planned on going to Chick-Fil-A (recognizing a theme here?) but V-day falls on a Sunday, so that plan is ruined. I guess we need to choose another fast food venue! So to appease both my Valentines lovers …

I’m Hooked On-The-Line

One of the reasons I started this blog was to give myself a new and productive hobby. This year, I found myself watching a lot of T.V after work and just wanted to do something….You know what I do now? I’m on-the-line a lot. This blog has got me all sorts of internet addicted. What kinds of things do I look at, you ask? Well, I look up a lot of DIY projects (especially since it is the holiday time), A LOT of recipes, I read fitness and lifestyle blogs and I watch youtube vlogs, many of which do not pertain to me at all, I just like how well done they are (like did I really need to watch an 11 minute video on how to dye my hair pink?) Do you know how much stuff is out there in internet-land?? Ya, me either! Its HUGE. But just like anything else, I do have my go-to spots for all of my life needs, so check out my favorite internet spaces. For Recipes: This is a big one I get asked about …