Month: August 2016

Realizing the Dream: A Pokemon Story

Warning: if you follow me on snapchat, some of these jokes may seem familiar. Sorry, I’m not sorry, they were great jokes! Just kidding, my brain is too tired to think of new ones. If you want to see some fresh stuff, make sure you follow me @sunnieko. SO, last week I got the best email of all time. A company called Augusta Sports emailed me asking “at what lengths would you go to catch em all?” “Well,” I thought, “that depends.” The email continued and asked if they could send some of their gear to try out on a pokemon hunt/run and to represent my team (yeah team VALOR!). New gear? Legit excuse to play  more Pokemon go? Um. Yes please. My 10 year old former self was giving me a high five. August Sports sent me two pieces: The women’s Zentense Tank (in valor red) is a super wicking tank top which was perfect for the humid night I chose to run. As I’ve mentioned, I’m a real sweater and wasn’t even aware of …