Month: January 2016

Going Head 2 Head with the Dreadmill

I’ve been trying so hard to not run on a treadmill while training for this half marathon. But when your town looks like this: You may have no choice. After Jonas came and ruined DC (and pop music), I was forced to run my first ever long treadmill run. It was torture. I’ve never been a fitness watch watcher (although my friends at TomTom did send me a new TomTom Spark + Music watch that I’ve been using…review up soon!) and I know exactly why. It’s because watching your mileage or time tick…tick…tick…is horrible (for me at least). I tried hard to look away but it was like watching a TLC marathon of Say Yes to the Dress…horrible, yet I just couldn’t stop watching. And so as I ran 8 miles to nowhere, I tried passing the time like anyone does on a treadmill. I listened to music I watched Netflix I finally got around to actually reading the rules of playing Settlers of Catan I started doing my taxes I read a classic literary novel I realized after …

Working on my 1-Pack

A few weeks ago, I posted about how I’ve been yoga-ing more to help with my half-marathon training.  Well, I’ve spent a lot of time working out with YouTube and figured it might be time for some real human interaction. So, Sarah and I braved the first snow DC has seen this season and headed to Core Power Yoga in Clarendon.  We decided to attend the Core Power Yoga 1 class which is specifically aimed at novice yogis like ourselves. In this class, there is no heat added (as there is with the higher level classes). We also noticed that this class was free! I’ve mentioned before that Core Power Yoga offers 1 free week to new students but right now, they are also training future yoga instructors by letting them lead the Wednesday beginning class. Perfect! When we got to the studio, we were greeted by the friendly staff along with all the other yogis who decided to head up despite the inclement weather (go ahead, make your jokes about what DC folks call …

Just Run With It

I feel like our weather has been like Britney Spear circa 2007: bat shit crazy. (And I say that will all due respect to my main girl Britney… I actually think she produced some great tunes during this time of turmoil. Blackout has got some hot jams.) The mild and then freezing weather made for some interesting workouts, but all in all, a good week of training. Actually, I had a couple awesome runs. Thursday- Run to Friends You know that runner’s high people talk about? That euphoric feeling during or after a difficult or long workout? The feeling of being in absolute bliss even though you are pushing yourself to the limits? Yeah, me either. In fact, Thursday’s run was a 5 mile go that started off terrible. But one thing kept me going: Trivia. Every Thursday  I head to Mr Days in Clarendon with friends for our weekly trivia night. Its a time for all of us to catch up, drink beers for $2, tell horrible jokes and guess at a lot of trivia questions.  I …

Let’s kick…I mean PUNCH some butt!

A few weeks ago while doing some very important internet research on Facebook (ok…I was looking to make some treats on Buzzfeed Tasty videos…ok, I was compiling the recipes to make for book club…ok  FINE, I was just watching the videos while eating cookies) and I came across a post from one of my favorite people, Mrs. Warden. Mrs Warden is the mama to one of my best friend’s, Matt, and has lovingly put up with our antics for the past decade. The Warden home is always welcoming and I can always count on a being greeted with a warm loving smile and an ever warmer cookie. Mrs Warden (and Mr. Warden!) are fabulous. Anywho,  I noticed she had recently been checking in very regularly at TITLE Boxing Club in Springfield, VA. I commented on one of her Facebook “check-ins” and before I knew it, I had an invite to her next class! And then I invited my mom. And then Mrs. Warden invited Matt. And then I invited Steven. And so in a strange chain of invites (and peer pressure), we …

Tri-ing to Go Viral

I figured it was time for an update on my MoveForStJude movement. For those of you just tuning in, I started #MoveForStJude as a way to raise money as a St Jude Hero for the Rock N Roll DC half marathon. I asked people to dedicate a workout, a day, a song…whatever they put effort into and post it social media using the hashtag #MoveForStJude. If they did this and donated $2 or more, I would feature them on Just Tri It Once! It has been amazing to see the submissions and the hashtag floating around! I will say that I thought starting a social movement would be simple. After all, there are like a million internet famous cats and hover board fails out there…so I thought, how hard could it be? At times, I felt like this. Other times, I felt like this. And although I am no cute-british-baby who bit his brother’s finger (and it really hurt!) things have been going well! I’m happy to report that in a matter of 7 days from …

Just Tri It Out

Happy 2016! I hope you all had a fabulous holiday. Mine was lovely and very eventful: I got to spend time with my mom and sister and Booty-Dog I went up to Connecticut to visit Steven’s family on New Years, Two of my favorite people got engaged I got to snap a few photos of Steven’s sister Cathy and her fiancé Ted while they took their engagement photos AND I was chosen as a Fit Approach #SweatPink Ambassador! It was also full of new “tri-s”: I took an aerial yoga class, I cooked cauliflower 2 new ways (mashed and as rice), I ate pheasant that Steven hunted, I TRIED to get my wallet back after it was stolen, and last but not least, I made my 52 new “tri-s” list for the new year. One of my resolutions for 2016 is to do something new every week for each week in 2016. It is a combination of some random skills that I’ve read everyone should know how to do, a few goofy challenges, and things I’ve genuinly …