Month: July 2016

My Homage to Sia

I woke up this morning with the best text of my life from my dear love, Sarah.   I love Sia. She is life. I love her music, her voice and I love her cool wigs and bows. I immediately whipped open the App and saw the glory that is the Sia SnapChat filter. And then it happened. It started off innocent enough… But then, I knew I needed to do more. I kept trying to think of ways to pay homage to my current musical idol. So I started what was to end up being the longest snapchat story of all time. You all know that chilling, hauntingly beautiful song, Chandelier? Of course you do. Well I knew I could never outdo my favorite Dance Mom’s dancer, Maddie, but I was inspired to try my own interpretation. I present to you, Chandelier, as told by me, via Sia SnapChat filter.   Yes, I know, I probably spent way too much time doing this. But anything for my girl, Sia. Follow me on snapchat (sunnieko) …

4 Ways to Get Motivated to Move (and none have to do with Pokemon…OK 1 might)

Happy Friday! Or as I’ve come to call it, another day to play pokemon go. Summer has turned into stressful (and productive!) work weeks followed by weekend upon weekend of activity with friends and family. This lifestyle has left my heart so full but my body and mind exhausted. I’ve been running on pizza and burgers which is so tasty but makes me feel really sluggish and, in turn, have severely reduced my workouts. Not to panic though; I’m a veteran at falling off the health wagon and am an expert and climbing back on. I looked at a calendar and am about 2 months out from my next race: The Nation’s Triathlon*. I’m starting getting back into eating/training right this week and thought I’d share a few of my tricks for how I get motivated to get moving again. *Update: I have an earlier race! I’m heading out west to visit my sister AND we are BOTH going to be competing in the Lake Tahoe Triathlon. Yay for swimming in water that isn’t potentially toxic! Sunnie’s Tips to …