All posts tagged: Featured

The. Big. Day.

Hello Interweb! It has been many moons since I’ve posted. I figured what better post to come back with than a final recap of our wedding day, if only to heed 1 warning to every bride-to-be out there: It is all gonna be okay. I know you are probably getting wedding advice from every corner of the earth from people who are married, have been married, are engaged to be married or have heard of this thing called “getting married,” so this may just breeze right past you. But in the end, what I have come away with from my own experience is that you likely won’t remember a lot of the small stuff (even if you are having a dry wedding.) So just enjoy the day– no one will hate your wedding because the napkin swans look more like ducks. Anywho, on to a recap! IF there was one thing I was especially concerned about, it was the rain. Dear lord, did it rain. 2 weeks before our wedding it was pouring. I remember …

The Clumsy Lady’s Guide to Being a Bride: Feeling good, inside and out.

Hello internet humans! I’ve found myself here once again procrastinating from wedding planning by ironically….writing a wedding post. When I bought my dress, I was thrilled to feel like it fit me almost perfectly. Sure, the dress was made for someone 6 inches taller and my gut stuck out like a belly does after a bunch of beers on Superbowl Sunday but they have seamstresses that exist to fix hems, and exercises to fix the gut. So a seamstress I found and exercise, I did. I didn’t do this whole health journey just because I was getting married…I can prove it! This blog, dedicated to fitness, food and fun started in 2015! However, having a wedding date seemed to set a great timeline to really kick myself into gear. Aside from wanting to look nice on the big day, I wanted to feel good. I completed Whole30 in January which gave me a great head start on good habits– you can read all about that journey here. After I lost some initial weight that had me …

The Clumsy Lady’s Guide to Being a Bride: Dress Shopping

Hello Interweb! Apologies for the hiatus. With wedding planning, work, working out amongst other things, I seemed to have lost all sense of time! So today, to distract me from all of the details I’m supposed to be ironing out, I wanted to hand out some unsolicited advice on a big one… Dress Shopping. Dress shopping for me was something that fell on the back burner on my list of priorities for the wedding. In my last Clumsy Bride post, I talked about how priorities for people are all very different (obviously) and how it is really important while on a budget to make a list and figure out what your “must haves” are and be willing to compromise on everything else. The dress for me was “everything else.” I think this comes as shock to many people when I tell them my sentiments on dresses but for me, it is something I’ll wear once and while yes, I want to look baller, I also care way more about booze and music than I do …


Since I’ve started ClassPass I’ve been hitting up a lot of the same spots: barre3, Ryde (you can read my review on that here) and some yoga. While I love my staple spaces, I have been really jones’in to get back to my lax days and get my butt kicked with some interval style workouts. You know, burpess, ropes, weights, flinging a keg over a bar. The norm. I found a few spaces near me in Arlington but was hesitant to go since: 1) I haven’t done that kind of workout in awhile and 2) Even when I was in my college prime…I was pretty bad at them. Sorry coach! All the classes I was looking at were about an hour long and I just envisioned myself sucking wind and then having to have someone put wind into me in the form of CPR when I passed out. I finally found one where one of the reviews said “for all fitness levels” and just booked it. Go me! I dragged my friend, Robbie, along with …

The Clumsy Lady’s Guide to Being a Bride: Cost Planning

Happy Days All! Having been planning a wedding the last couple months, I came to a stark realization; Pinterest was designed to make normal humans, like me, feel incredibly inadequate and unrefined. As I stumbled across photos that captured the release of some vibrant butterflies into a pristine blue sky during a beautiful couple’s vows, all I could think of was 1) how long were those poor butterflies in the boxes and 2) where does one order such a pristine clear blue sky for their wedding? The madness must stop! So today, I bring you the first installment of my Clumsy Lady’s Guide to Being a Bride: A real life, rustic (and no I don’t mean the beautiful rustic with the burlap and tin, I mean the “rustic” like when your cat accidentally sits on your un-baked pie crust but you serve it anyways) version of wedding planning. Today’s topic is wedding costs. I’ll start by saying, disclaimer– I pass no judgement on how much anyone does or doesn’t spend on their wedding. What I’ve …

Ryde by Revolve– Clarendon

I have been wanting to try ClassPass for probably 2 years. I loved watching my favorite fitness Instagramers get to try all different types of workouts on a “budget”. Classes including surfing, trampoline, aqua-biking and paddle-board yoga had me ready to jump on the CP wagon. Unfortunately, when I went to check out D.C’s ClassPass offerings, I was slightly disappointed, being met with a majority of barre and pilates studios (which I wasn’t a huge fan of). Now, I’m an older, more open minded, not cardio-centric, Sunnie and I’m ready to tackle every barre, pilates, spinning, pole dancing, karate, boxing studio in Arlington and DC! Ok, maybe not all of them, but a lot of them! If you are interested in trying ClassPass, you can use my link here to get $40 off! (Not sponsored. Just some free $$!) I chose Ryde by Revolve as my first ClassPass…class because I love spinning. I love the darkness, the music and the I-just-ran-to-grab-the-last-slice-of-pizza out of breath-ness spinning gives me and this ride was no exception. Located in Clarendon, …

Whole30 Week 2

Yellow! Week 2 is over which means we are more than halfway done with our 2nd Whole30 Challenge, AND we have officially beaten our previous, sad, old record of 14 days. I’m also happy to announce there has been no plate sniffing or crumb inspecting (although there has been copious amounts of talk about what our first meal back is going to be. I say hamburger, Steven says Pizza). Overall, things are going well. My clothes are starting to not feel like they are suffocating my entire body which is a real plus. I’m also still feeling up for cooking which is shocking considering it has been SIXTEEN DAYS of consecutive cooking which I think is a world record in this house. AND sixteen days of no alcohol which is a even more shocking. Something that has been really helping us be successful this time around has been Instagram. I follow a few accounts pretty religiously and they all have amazing recipes that have really inspired our meals. A few of my favorites: No Crumbs …

Whole30 Week 1

Bonjour! Today, I thought I’d bring to you a recap of our second, first week of Whole30! (You can read about our original Whole14 here). I’d like to think I’m doing this post because I think you might be interested in reading about it but mostly, I’m avoiding having to write a nicely detailed post at the end. Sorry, not sorry. Current Status: Sassy Actually, all is going pretty well! I did stay home from work on Thursday because I actually thought I was dying but besides that, all good. I read on the Whole30 blog that it is important not to credit everything good happening to Whole30 (“WOO, THERE WILL BE A SEASON 3 OF STRANGER THINGS, THANKS WHOLE30!”) and in the same breath, you can’t blame everything negative on Whole30 (“I FEEL LIKE I’M DYING, TO HELL WITH YOU WHOLE30!) That was day 4 for me and I was feeling terrible. My whole body was aching, I was nauseous, my head hurt and my legs…oh my gosh my legs. You know the feeling …

Why We Decided to Get Married

Hello interweb! As many people have probably already stated, I can’t believe its already 2018! I say that every year, but this year has a bit more weight to it because well, Steven and I are getting hitched in about 4 months. All of last year, I could say “we still have time, it’s next year” blah blah blah. I clearly don’t have a basic understanding for how time works because while it was technically “next year” it was never 12 months away. And here we are, 4 months away and uh, there is a lot to be done. Anywho, in an attempt to procrastinate more, I’m starting up a section with my friends from WeddingWire to document some of my experiences, some resources I’ve found helpful and everything wedding planning leading up to the big day. I hope you enjoy it because I’m likely developing an ulcer writing it. But before we get into all the DIYs, dresses, venues etc, I figured it might be nice to share our engagement story in a 2 …

10 Things Noodle Does That We Should Do Too.

  Run as fast as you can, even if you look crazy Because it gets your energy out and maybe will encourage your friends to chase you and run too. Be super excited about nothing A loved one comes home? Smile! Jump up and down! Spin around in circles! Maybe pee a little! (and hope that your loved one loves you enough to clean up after you). If you make a mistake, put pride aside and ask for forgiveness If we bark or snarl at our friends, we shouldn’t be afraid to approach said friends at a different time and give them lots of sloppy kisses (or for humans, a sincere apology…or sloppy kisses I guess). Be weird It makes you unique, it makes people laugh and makes for great photos. Work hard, everyday, for change I know that neighbor in your building can drive you crazy. The mere smell of this person can send your hackles up and have you pacing around and huffing like crazy. But everyday, work a little to be able …